Ethical Procurement Policy
Waddington® Europe's ethical procurement policy requires that the ethical issues and social responsibility within supply chains are understood and addressed when managing business to business supplier relationships and through the purchasing of goods and services from our suppliers.
Sustainable Procurement
To ensure continuous improvement in procurement decisions are made against delivering sustainable and ethical trading. We seek to avoid adverse social and environmental impact in the supply chain, the reduction of environmental impact from service operations and the purchase products that meet recognised environmental standards.
Ethical Procurement
Our ethical objective is to ensure that people in the supply chain are treated with respect and have rights with regard to employment including the rights to freely choose employment, freedom of association, payment of a living wage, working hours that comply with national laws, equal opportunities, recognised employment relationship, freedom from intimidation and to a safe and healthy working environment.
Waddington Europe requires materials and products supplied to be REACH compliant and for food-grade suppliers to be accredited to the BRC standard or to an alternative standard that is of a similar level.
Waddington Europe requires suppliers to comply with their national laws in respect of health and safety at work and employment law including; minimum working wage, discrimination in respect of race, gender, religion, disability and harassment and bullying.
Procurement process
Environmental and social factors shall be considered in the purchasing process. Specifically, this includes considering what the product is made from, where it is made and by whom, the efficiency of the product during use and the processes involved in its production and distribution, what the disposal requirements are and if it can be reused or recycled.
Novolex™ Ethics & Compliance
Helpline: Call 1-888-852-6208 Toll Free 24/7/365
To Report Online Visit the Web Intake address at:
Or visit our external site at to be redirected through the intake portal.
Reports can remain anonymous and confidential without fear of retaliation.
Novolex™ urges employees, customers, and third-party vendors to report any witnessed unethical activities or compliance-related concerns through our new automated system. The system provides for a more efficient process geared towards cutting down complainant response time by allowing the Company and complainant to monitor electronic progress through all phases of the investigatory process.
The Ethics & Compliance Helpline may assist in addressing potential ethics standards including but not limited to fraudulent activities, financial irregularities, bribery, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, UK Bribery Act, privacy and security concerns, workplace safety, and employment policy violations. By reporting concerns immediately, Novolex™ will be afforded an opportunity to detect and investigate ethical concerns at the early stages and to take prompt remedial action if needed.
The Ethics & Compliance helpline offers a professional specialist 24/7 in multiple languages. Please help Novolex™ improve ethics and compliance within our culture by utilising the helpline immediately as concerns arise.
Employee Code of Conduct
Novolex is committed to performance and integrity throughout our operations and in the way we conduct ourselves with others outside our organisation every day. We depend on each of you to enable us to fulfil that commitment by taking the right actions and making the right decisions every day. The Novolex Employee Code of Conduct provides a foundation for how we conduct ourselves as a corporation and as individuals representing the Company. Every action we undertake reflects on us, our values and our character.